Dear Lily,
You are 2 months old today & such a bundle of joy! The past month has been full of changes & a complete blast :) You are growing like a weed & each day you do something new and exciting. This past month I feel like we have really gotten to know each other & have gotten on a pretty good routine...woohoo! You have also found your little voice, your hands & Mommy's hair! Daddy and I fall more in love with you by the minute---you are such a happy baby :) You only cry when you are hungry or tired & even then, we both agree, your cry is the cutest sound we've ever heard. Your personality gets cuter with every week---you are at times sassy & a bit of a drama queen :) This month you enjoyed walks outside, a road trip to Alabama, your first visit to the hair salon, having weekly lunch with Dad, getting out and about a bit more & celebrating your 1st Valentines Day!

Our Growing Girl: I'm not sure your exact weight, since we don't have your 2 month doctor appointment until Thursday, but I would guess it is around 10 chunky monkey! You moved into size 1 diapers around 7 1/2 weeks. You can still squeeze into some newborn clothing, but I plan to pack it all up this week :( Gap & Old Navy size 0-3 months fit you best right now...the true 3 month clothing is still a bit big. I can't believe how much you have filled out...your little rolls & full cheeks just melt my heart :) Along with weight, you, my dear, are also growing in strength. Your neck & legs are so strong & you are a pro at tummy time.

My Little Piglet: Baby you LOVE to eat!!! I'm not sure why this is a surprise...seems like you've been a little piglet since you were born :) Your feeding schedule changed a bit throughout the month- at the beginning of month 2, I was pumping every feeding, so you would receive about 2-3 oz of breast milk and then 2-3 oz of formula. About half way thru the month, I started pumping 3-4 times a day. This allowed me more free time & less stress. With this change, we started giving you two 4-6 oz bottles of breast milk a day & the rest of your feedings we used formula. You tolerated this change well & never missed a beat! Around week 7, all of your bottles (6-7 a day) were around 6 oz of milk & you finished them easily, so while we were in Birmingham, your Sugar introduced you to oatmeal cereal...insert panic from me since this is not what doctors recommend! You inhaled it :) So, now at 2 months old, you eat five to six 6 oz bottles a day with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal in your milk at morning and night.
***Side note- I had been told by Sugar, Bebe, Neeley & many others that cereal was given to babies much earlier than the recommended 4 months when we were little & we turned out just fine***

Sleepy Head: Wow- what a difference a month makes! Your daytime naps have gotten so much better and predictable. You take three to four naps a day, averaging 2 hours long. I try to have you nap in your crib for 2 naps and then you'll nap while running errands or at the gym for the others. Speaking of naps in your crib, I'm so glad I stuck it out and really worked with you putting yourself to sleep on your wasn't easy at the time, but it is paying off now! You're still sleeping great at night too- in past week, you have slept from 9pm-8am three times! I think we are on track to you sleeping thru the night for good....HOORAY :) Your bedtime routine looks like this- wake from a cat nap (if you take one--sometimes you protest!), eat 4 oz of milk, take bath & put on pajamas, read book & eat 2 oz of milk with cereal, say prayers & then you are put in your crib for the night. Bedtime is one of my favorite times of the day---you love to just lay in my arms & smile, coo, and babble to me---the best :)

Playtime: Some of your favorite toys aren't toys at have the most fun with faces & hands! My sweet Lil P you love to be talked to :) When you wake up & after you eat, you are so vocal & love to "chat" with Mommy. I must say, you come by it honestly...both me & your daddy love to talk. You're also a fan of your hands. If you don't have them clasp together, then they are near your face or in your mouth! Other toys you love- your activity mat, Lamaze toys, bouncy seat & your lovey!
Important Dates:
January 29th- Smiled
February 8th- Ate oatmeal cereal
February 14th- Valentines Day
Lil P, Ms. Tootie, Wiggle Worm, Little Miss
I can't even remember what our life was like before you sweet girl, but I do know that life with you is AMAZING! I am beyond blessed to be given the privilege to be your mom.
We love you Lillian Pace! :)