23 pounds, 13 ounces
31 inches
Head Circumference-
18 1/2 inches
You got your first haircut this month and you did great! You sat still in Mommy's lap the entire time...you LOVE all things girly! While we didn't get rid of the mullet completely...I love that little mullet/mohawk ;)...we did trim it up in hopes it'd grow a little faster. The color of your hair is still in question. Some days we think you're going to be blonde, others you have a redish tint...guess only time will tell.
Surprisingly, you are still sitting with 5 teeth. You drool like crazy and have had us thinking the 6th would show up any day, but we are still waiting.
Mostly 12-18 months...although sometimes we have to go up to 18-24 months to cover that belly!
Size 5...my sweet little chunk ;)
You got your first haircut this month and you did great! You sat still in Mommy's lap the entire time...you LOVE all things girly! While we didn't get rid of the mullet completely...I love that little mullet/mohawk ;)...we did trim it up in hopes it'd grow a little faster. The color of your hair is still in question. Some days we think you're going to be blonde, others you have a redish tint...guess only time will tell.
Surprisingly, you are still sitting with 5 teeth. You drool like crazy and have had us thinking the 6th would show up any day, but we are still waiting.
Mostly 12-18 months...although sometimes we have to go up to 18-24 months to cover that belly!
Size 5...my sweet little chunk ;)
You my dear are quite the talker and it seems you are learning new words all the time. It is so fun to hear you say something new out of the blue. You've also started babbling a lot more, which makes for some funpretend conversations. Your favorite word (without a doubt) is "Stone"-- pronounced "tone" by you :)
You pretend to be shy around people you don't know or don't see often, but you will usually warm up quickly if they offer you food or a cell phone. You love to wave, blow and give kisses and recently started signing "love you".

Happy to report nothing has changed! You are a rockstar sleeper-- two naps a day (both 1.5-2 hours) and sleeping 12ish hours a night. A blankie (or two or three) and paci are both requirements for bedtime...we kid that you are a hoarder of both!

You my sweet girl love food :) Like love it so much the doctor had a little chat with us about weight...whoops! You are a meat and carbs girl, but you also really like fruit. This month, blueberries and grapes became favorites. You love hotdogs, bread, sweet potatoes, strawberries, peanut butter, pizza. We've had to start giving you food strategically---you are a smart cookie and if we want you to eat something more on the healthy side, we have to offer you that food first before your favorites.

You are a firecracker, priss pot, sassy lady and we love it! You have a really sweet disposition, but also have a bit of a stubborn side to you (which you get honestly!). This month we've implemented a bit more discipline. Tantrums have been had, but luckily they are few and far between. Redirection has worked really well in helping you get over not getting your way :) Lily, you are constantly making us laugh with your faces, gestures, and actions. For instance, this month, you must have a bow in your hair at all times!

Lily, you are so much fun! You bring smiles to our faces daily. It is so much fun to see you constantly evolving into your own little self. We couldn't imagine life without you, sweet girl, and can't wait to see what this next month brings!
You my dear are quite the talker and it seems you are learning new words all the time. It is so fun to hear you say something new out of the blue. You've also started babbling a lot more, which makes for some fun
You pretend to be shy around people you don't know or don't see often, but you will usually warm up quickly if they offer you food or a cell phone. You love to wave, blow and give kisses and recently started signing "love you".

Happy to report nothing has changed! You are a rockstar sleeper-- two naps a day (both 1.5-2 hours) and sleeping 12ish hours a night. A blankie (or two or three) and paci are both requirements for bedtime...we kid that you are a hoarder of both!

You my sweet girl love food :) Like love it so much the doctor had a little chat with us about weight...whoops! You are a meat and carbs girl, but you also really like fruit. This month, blueberries and grapes became favorites. You love hotdogs, bread, sweet potatoes, strawberries, peanut butter, pizza. We've had to start giving you food strategically---you are a smart cookie and if we want you to eat something more on the healthy side, we have to offer you that food first before your favorites.

You are a firecracker, priss pot, sassy lady and we love it! You have a really sweet disposition, but also have a bit of a stubborn side to you (which you get honestly!). This month we've implemented a bit more discipline. Tantrums have been had, but luckily they are few and far between. Redirection has worked really well in helping you get over not getting your way :) Lily, you are constantly making us laugh with your faces, gestures, and actions. For instance, this month, you must have a bow in your hair at all times!

Lily, you are so much fun! You bring smiles to our faces daily. It is so much fun to see you constantly evolving into your own little self. We couldn't imagine life without you, sweet girl, and can't wait to see what this next month brings!