Monday, April 1, 2013

A Day In The Life

Now that we have adjusted to our new normal (aka Mommy's back at work part-time) I thought it'd be fun to do a day in the life post!  Surprisingly, the transition from stay at home mom, also known as maternity leave, to a working mom was harder on me than anyone else.  But all things considered, I think even I have done a pretty good job with the change :)

Lily's 1st day of school & my 1st day back at work was a day I had dreaded.  I was anxious about how she would do, how our days would look, how I would manage to get everything done in "type A" personality definitely had me on edge.  We spent the day before home as a family, relaxing & getting things ready for the big change....Lily was held ALL day :)  We cuddled for every nap was perfect!

Tuesday, March 19th came all too quickly & it was time to hit the ground running.  Since then, we have worked out the timing issues to make sure we are all leaving the house at the right time- the first week was trial and error!  Lucky for me, my work is super flexible & understanding, so I went in & left when I wanted to.  Some mornings Miss Priss Pot eats fast, some mornings slow, some mornings she needs more than one diaper change...go go go is the best way to describe how the AM looks around our house.

So here is what a day looks like in our household....

5:15AM- Mommy gets up and heads to workout
6:45AM- Get ready, make bottles, make lunches
7:30ishAM- Wake Lily up (my favorite part of the morning!), change diaper, feed & dress
8:15AM- Head out the door
8:30AM- Drop Lily off at school
9AM til 4:45PM- Work for Mommy
5:15PM- Pick Little Miss up from school
5:30PM- Arrive home, walk Tyde, get dinner started
6:30PM- Lily down for nap
7:30PM- Eat dinner
8PM- Bedtime routine- bath, bottle, prayers, lights out for Wiggle Worm
8:30PM- Clean kitchen, pick-up house, etc
9:30-10PM- Bedtime for the parents...well really just me since Mr. S is back to CPA studying

Whew---how our days have changed since this sweet little chunky monkey entered our lives!  I'm not quite sure what I did with all of my time in the evening before her :)  As much as I was dreading this new season of life, it has been nice to get up & ready in the mornings and use my brain during the day. Lily has also done wonderful at school, so that made this transition easier as well.
Even though it hasn't been as bad as I imagined, I am glad & thankful that these days of go go go are only 4 days a week :) & I cherish the other 3 days with my family!

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